Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yearning for having a scarf with my brainwaves generated by listening Grosse Fuge

Recently, to be more precisely this morning at around 15h00 UTC [ref], I have heard the last podcast of Outriders [mp3] where I found various interesting ideas. Of these one which use Inertial Measurements Sensors so as to create a smart environment in which there is a immediate impact on music while dancers are performing [ref]. Dr. Steve Holland, a professor at Iowa State University in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, is the developer of such flabbergasted interface, however at his personal web-page no information is provided but other Open source projects [web page]. In similar fashion, NeuroKnitting [], a Open Source Project by which use arduino and processing and a non-invasive EEG headset, plotted the brainwave acitity into a knnitted pattern in a scarf. I yearning for having my own scarf with some brainwaves plotted not by hearing Goldberg Variations by Bach, instead for my personal taste, I would rather listen something which is a combination of dissonance and contrapuntal complexity such as: Beethoven Grose Fuge [video] [wiki].

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