Sunday, April 6, 2014

My first appoach in trying to understand the meaning of a equation (Version

The ceremony "Weighing of the Heart", which took place in ancient Egypt
between 3000 and 2000 BC, where people were judged on their behavior during their lifetime by using an enormous scale [IMAGE] by which people's heart were weighted against the feathers of truth. Hence, if the heart balanced against the feathers then the deceased would be granted a place in the Fields of Hetep and Irup (this is probably some kind of Heavenly kingdom). If it was heavy with the weight of wrongdoings, the balance would sink and the heart would be grabbed and devoured by a terrifying beast that sat ready and waiting by the scale.

That is the origin of this idea of equilibrium that springs to my mind in searching a more deeper meaning for what we call an equation.

Anyway, let me do a change of 180 degrees to connect the previous-mentioned
idea with the some graphical proofs of the Pythagoras theorem [PROOFS] where equivalences in areas of triangles, rectangles and squares, lines, and colours are the base of different proofs such as the square units, Da Vinci, Bhaskara and Perigal-Dudeney, to mention but a few. (My mind is trilled to bits to see that there is something called a spherical Pythagoras theorem!)

The Perigal-Dudeney's proof is, to my mind, the most visual, and perhaps,
the one that epitomize the beauty of the hidden places that exist in almost every figure and the very original reason to create the following video.

Finally, I can conclude that the original idea of Pythagoras and others is the yearning for finding an equilibrium in terms of area but also one can see it on mathematical terms (e.g. a^2 + b^2 = c^2), or perhaps, in a scale when one is trying to balance beauty against eternity.

L.Bridge - Mr 8bit Reject

Video was made by using a sequence of images which
were encoded with mencoder [1,2] and then the title and sound were added with OpenVideo Shot Encoder [3]


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