Saturday, May 17, 2014

Xiuhtecuhtli (My new avatar)

In Aztec mythology, Xiuhtecuhtli (also Huehueteotl, "old god") was the personification of life after death, warmth in cold (fire), light in darkness and food during famine. He was usually depicted with a red or yellow face and a censer on his head. At the end of the Aztec century (52 years), the gods were thought to be able to end their covenant with humanity. Feasts were held in honor of Xiuhtecuhtli to keep his favors, and human sacrifices were burned after removing their heart [1].

AnonymousDecember 12, 2014 at 10:32 PM
How do you know this about Xiuhtecuhtli. I wish you would not write about my culture unless you really know what you are talking about. If you knew Nahuatl, you would know the correct meaning of Xiuhtecuhtli. Its not a toy to be using for your pleasure

Fri Dec 19 21:35:05 2014 -- UK
You made a good observation, nonetheless I did not mean to use the name as something superficial. I am very sorry about my illiterate use of Nahuatl language. Would it be possible for you to provide me (us) some trusted references in order to learn the real meaning. I am Mexican, and by using some Nahuatl names and symbols is one way to let people know that Mexican people is also capable of doing science of the highest quality. I have been thinking of the use of Nahuatl names for some names of my research, to be more precisely I am now developing a free software which is related to words of nonlinear dynamics, chaos, human body activity, dance styles, rhythms and movement. I am therefore interested in your contact so that you can give a proper advise on the use of Nahuatl language. Yours, Miguel


1 comment:

  1. How do you know this about Xiuhtecuhtli. I wish you would not write about my culture unless you really know what you are talking about. If you knew Nahuatl, you would know the correct meaning of Xiuhtecuhtli. Its not a toy to be using for your pleasure
